Portfolio of Studio Leith

“Bateau Bay Residence”

A home devoid of natural light and full of inefficient planning, was in need of a passive design overhaul. Featuring a single storey streetscape, however with a 2 storey rear façade due to the sloping nature of the site, we had to look for opportunities to penetrate the interiors with sunlight and recreate planning zones that would offer increased function and external expression.


Alterations and additions to existing two storey dwelling

Dual storey in Central Coast, NSW, Australia
House Suburb: Bateau Bay

Builder: TBC

About this client’s build

Redefinition of a new main entry axis was critical for this design. This primarily allowed for views straight through the home out to the distant mountains, however was also flanked with new living volumes on either side which included a strategically placed stair void with highlight windows over.

This void to downstairs replaced two previous staircases and helped to open up into newly planned lower floor living and bedroom accommodation that flowed out to rear yard deck and pool areas.

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