Portfolio of Studio Leith

“Avoca Beach Residence”

Up on the hill overlooking Avoca Beach and beyond, an outdated floorplan is receiving a functional hit to enliven internal space and provide some new external volumes that link back into the existing house vernacular.


Alterations and additions to existing 3 storey home

Dual storey in Central Coast, NSW, Australia
House Suburb: Avoca Beach

Builder: TBC

About this client’s build

Progressing down the driveway, there is a clear vernacular to this home which we looked to maintain and evolve. New mid-floor planning with refurbished kitchen and living room strategy now link back through the dining and entry spaces to a new indoor-outdoor room / deck space which screams entertainment.

The first floor then receives a new timber clad wet area “pod” that captures the streetscape eye and offers functional extension from existing master bedroom and corridor space.

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